Among other things I don’t like to pose. I’m not saying I’m better behind the camera because I never had the patience to actually learn how to take good pics. But posing – that one is even worst. I wish I had it in me – that strike a pose thing that whatever you do you look good on pictures. But I don’t. Plus the fact that I feel pretty awkward when I have to pull off a look especially when I’m all dressed up and all.
But than again I have friends, you know the ones I was talking you about. People so good at what they do – like photographers for example. The picture above was taken in 2007, the one below earlier this year.
Едно от многото неща, които не мога е да позирам. Което уви не значи, че мога да снимам по-добре – защото така и нямах търпението да се науча да правя хубави снимки.
снимки: Светослав Караджов
октомври 11, 2011