Being a fashion blogger is a tough one! If you want pictures you either have to carry a camera around all the time, or you have to ask people to take your picture and than e-mail it to you. Well the second one might not be particularly successful, because they don’t really send you anything. So today I was going through the MM (the Max Mara magazine) anniversary issue and made this collage of what I’d like to wear. And not surprisingly almost everything is black! Having a picture of your face and placing it over the model’s one is a great way of finding out if a certain outfit will do for you by the way!
А да – и да си блогър не е лесно – трябва или да мъкнеш апарата навсякъде, или да разчиташ други хора да ти правят снимки и да ти ги пращат по мейла, което май не е особено ефективен подход 🙂
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