I don’t like much to think of the past – because it is past. For me it makes much more sense to think about the present or the future. But sometimes I like to revisit some old memorabilia and pics. And I came across these pictures my best friend Milena took of me when we were teenagers. I look so goofy, but than – that was the era of the grunge, no?
I was growing up with grunge music and some of the girls on that scene were my inspirations. Like PJ Harvey, Curtney Love, Kim Gordon, Kat Bjelland, Katheleen Hanna… And of course movies like Reality Bites, Natural Born Killers, Sigles…
So here are some of my favorite ones:
And than Marc Jacobs deigned the grunge line for Perry Ellis. Than he got fired for doing so – and I never really got it why. I still have a thing for that era…
Не обичам да се замислям за миналото, именно защото е минало. Обаче от време на време се ровя в парчета и спомени от отминали врмена. Така намерих тези мои снимки. В разгарата на бесния ми пубертет и ерата на грънджа.
За това денс споделям малко снимки и музика от тогава…
И все още не разбирам защо Пери Елис трябваше да уволняват Марк Джейкъбс заради онази гръндж линия, която направи за марката.
октомври 7, 2011
Nice pictures 🙂